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Welcome to Engagewall®

Engage and capture audience data using our online platform for innovative event organisers, educators and marketers.

Here's how it works...

Use our online experience editor to create questions, polls and quizzes.

Invite participants to connect to your experience with a unique code using their mobile browsers.

Connect your browser to a big screen to display engagement in real time.

Capture your audience data for event insight and prospective marketing opportunities.

What you can do with Engagewall

Opinion Polls

Create your own opinion polls to get valuable customer feedback at your event or shop front.


Ask your audience to vote on anything, whether it's a stakeholder decision, or what song to play next.


Host large-scale paperless quizzes with team modes, fastest answer rewards and anti-cheating features.

Audience Selection

Filter and select participants on different criteria such as score and frequency of engagement.

Live Competitions

Run competitions to encourage engagement and turn your audience in to judges.

Digital Signage

Customise your wall to present interactive, branded displays - perfect for events and stores.

Data Capture

Capture and export your engagement data to provide customer insight and build your marketing lists.

Engagewall Themes

Create your own themes and brand your experiences using our online theme editor.

Engagewall in action

Battle of the Bands

Camp and Furnace, Liverpool

As over 500 music fans used Engagewall to vote on their favourite live bands at this event, the venue gained insight in to the musical tastes of its audience—valuable data for curating its future lineup.

Unbelievable Football Quiz

Camp and Furnace, Liverpool

With high-profile football pundit Chris Kamara playing comedic quiz master, the venue used Engagewall to run a 700+ participant quiz. Instant team scores and fastest-answer bonuses made the event run at pace with excitement.

Get Started

Ready to engage your audience at your next event?

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